Powering the World: Exploring the Global Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel Market Size Statistics & Demand Facts

RELEASE DATE: Sep 2023 Author: Spherical Insights Request Free Sample

Global Electrical Steel Non-Grain Oriented (NOES) Market Size

Market Overview:

Electrical steel, also known as silicon steel due to its primary silicon content, is a specialized type of steel used in the cores of electromagnetic devices like motors, generators, and transformers to minimize power loss. Among soft magnetic materials, electrical steels are the most commonly employed, accounting for nearly 90% of the total volume. The most prevalent form of soft magnetic material used in electrical machinery is silicon-iron electrical steel, typically in the form of fine laminations. There are two main categories of electrical steel: non-oriented (NO) and grain-oriented (GO). Non-oriented steel finds widespread use in rotating electrical equipment like motors and generators, where the magnetization orientation varies within the sheet plane. On the other hand, grain-oriented steel serves primarily as a core material for unidirectional magnetized static equipment such as transformers. Due to their ability to handle various flux directions efficiently, oriented steels exhibit minimal core loss and are therefore preferred for use in transformers, while non-oriented steel is typically employed in other types of electrical equipment. In the production of electric motors for both hybrid and electric vehicles, non-oriented electrical steel (NOES) is a crucial raw material input.


According to Spherical Insights & Consulting, “The Global Electrical Steel Non-Grain Oriented (NOES) Market Size is expected to reach USD 26.13 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period 2022 to 2030.”


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What is Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES)?

Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES) is a specialized type of electrical steel with distinct characteristics and properties that make it well-suited for a variety of electrical and electronic applications. Here are the key characteristics and properties of NOES:


High Electrical Resistivity: NOES exhibits high electrical resistivity, meaning it offers significant opposition to the flow of electrical current. This property allows it to minimize the flow of eddy currents, which are undesirable in electrical and electronic devices as they can lead to power loss and heating.


Low Core Loss: One of the most critical properties of NOES is its low core loss, also known as iron loss or hysteresis loss. This means that when NOES is used in the cores of transformers and other magnetic devices, it experiences minimal energy loss due to magnetic hysteresis and eddy current losses. This property is essential for the efficient operation of electrical equipment.


High Magnetic Permeability: NOES has a high magnetic permeability, which means it can easily conduct magnetic flux. This property is crucial in transformers and other devices where the efficient transfer of magnetic energy is required.


Uniform Magnetic Properties: Unlike grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES), which has a preferred crystal orientation for improved magnetic properties, NOES has isotropic magnetic properties. This means that its magnetic properties are consistent in all directions, making it suitable for applications where the magnetization direction varies.


Thin Gauge Capabilities: NOES can be manufactured in very thin gauges, typically in the range of 0.1 to 0.35 millimeters. This thinness allows for the construction of compact and lightweight electrical components.


High Saturation Induction: NOES materials often have a high saturation induction, which means they can reach a high magnetic flux density before becoming magnetically saturated. This property is advantageous in devices that require high magnetic fields, such as electric motors.


Low Core Loss at High Frequencies: NOES retains its low core loss characteristics even at high frequencies, making it suitable for applications like high-frequency transformers and inductors used in electronics and power electronics.


Excellent Magnetic Stability: NOES materials exhibit stable magnetic properties over a wide range of temperatures and under varying magnetic field conditions. This stability is vital for the consistent and reliable performance of electrical equipment.


Factors Driving NOES Market Growth:

The expansion of the Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES) market is influenced by several factors, reflecting the increasing demand for electrical steel in various industries. These factors contribute to the growth and development of the NOES market:


Rising Demand for Energy-Efficient Transformers: As the global push for energy efficiency and sustainability intensifies, there is a growing demand for high-efficiency transformers. NOES, with its low core loss properties, is a key material in the construction of such transformers. Governments and utilities worldwide are investing in upgrading their electrical infrastructure, including transformers, to reduce energy losses during power transmission and distribution.


Renewable Energy Expansion: The increasing adoption of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, has boosted the need for NOES. These energy sources often require specialized transformers and inductors for efficient energy conversion and distribution. NOES is vital in this context due to its ability to minimize losses and enhance the performance of these components.


Electrification of Transportation: The automotive industry's shift toward electric and hybrid vehicles has led to a surge in the demand for electrical steel, including NOES. Electric motors and generators used in these vehicles rely on NOES to achieve high energy efficiency. Additionally, charging infrastructure and power electronics also require NOES for efficient energy conversion.


Growth in Electronics and Consumer Appliances: The electronics industry, including the production of power supplies, inverters, and other electronic components, depends on NOES to enable compact and efficient designs. Moreover, consumer appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines utilize electrical steel for their motors and transformers.


Urbanization and Infrastructure Development: Rapid urbanization and the expansion of urban infrastructure drive the need for reliable and efficient electrical systems. NOES is crucial in the construction of power distribution and generation equipment used in buildings, data centers, and industrial facilities.


Technological Advancements: Continuous research and development efforts in the field of materials science have led to the improvement of NOES properties. Advanced manufacturing techniques, coatings, and alloy compositions have resulted in even lower core losses and enhanced magnetic performance, making NOES an attractive choice for a wider range of applications.


Globalization of Manufacturing: The globalization of manufacturing processes and supply chains has increased the accessibility of NOES to manufacturers worldwide. This has further fueled its adoption in diverse applications and markets.


Government Regulations and Standards: Stringent energy efficiency regulations and standards imposed by governments and industry bodies have encouraged the use of NOES in electrical equipment to meet efficiency targets. Compliance with these regulations often necessitates the use of materials like NOES.


Environmental Concerns: The emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and minimizing environmental impact has spurred the development and use of materials like NOES, which contribute to energy conservation and sustainability.


Market Challenges:

The Global Electrical Steel (Non-Grain Oriented, NOES) Market faces several challenges that can impact its growth and sustainability. Some of the key challenges include:


Raw Material Availability and Pricing: The production of NOES relies on specific grades of steel, and the availability of these raw materials can be subject to fluctuations in supply and pricing. Factors such as changes in iron ore prices, trade disputes, and supply chain disruptions can affect the cost and availability of electrical steel. This can impact the profitability of manufacturers and potentially lead to supply chain disruptions.


Environmental Regulations and Sustainability: Increasing environmental regulations and the need for sustainable manufacturing practices pose challenges to the NOES industry. Meeting stringent environmental standards while maintaining cost-efficiency is a balancing act. Manufacturers must invest in cleaner and more sustainable production processes, which can require substantial capital expenditure and research and development efforts.


Global Competition: The NOES market is highly competitive, with numerous manufacturers and suppliers vying for market share. Intense competition can lead to pricing pressures, affecting profit margins. Manufacturers must continuously innovate and differentiate their products to stay competitive in the global marketplace.


Trade Barriers and Tariffs: Trade disputes and protectionist measures can disrupt the international trade of electrical steel. Tariffs and trade barriers imposed by various countries can impact the cost competitiveness of NOES products and create uncertainties for manufacturers and customers alike.


Energy Efficiency Standards: While energy efficiency is a driver of NOES demand, increasingly stringent energy efficiency standards can also be a challenge. Manufacturers must invest in research and development to meet evolving efficiency requirements, which can add costs to product development and testing.


Sustainable Practices:

Eco-friendly practices and initiatives within the Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES) industry are aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of manufacturing processes while ensuring the efficient production of electrical steel. One significant initiative focuses on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions during production. This involves the implementation of energy-efficient technologies, such as advanced electric arc furnaces and efficient rolling processes, to decrease the carbon footprint of NOES manufacturing.


Furthermore, recycling and sustainable sourcing of raw materials play a vital role in eco-friendly practices. Many NOES manufacturers prioritize recycling steel scrap to reduce the need for virgin raw materials and minimize waste. Additionally, efforts are made to source iron ore and other materials from responsible and sustainable suppliers, ensuring that the entire supply chain adheres to environmentally responsible practices.


Coating technologies are another area of focus. The application of environmentally friendly insulating coatings on NOES sheets helps improve the electrical performance of the material while reducing waste and emissions associated with traditional coatings. Overall, these eco-friendly practices and initiatives align with global efforts to promote sustainability and reduce the environmental footprint of industrial processes, making the NOES industry more environmentally responsible.


Case Studies:

Siemens' High-Efficiency Transformers: Siemens, a global technology conglomerate, has utilized NOES in the production of high-efficiency transformers. By incorporating NOES cores into their transformers, Siemens has achieved lower energy losses during electrical power transmission and distribution. This not only reduces operating costs for utilities but also contributes to energy conservation. The success of Siemens in implementing NOES cores underscores the importance of using advanced materials for enhancing energy efficiency in electrical equipment.


Electric Vehicle Motors: Many electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers, such as Tesla and Nissan, have embraced NOES in the construction of electric motor cores. These motors are essential for propelling EVs efficiently. NOES's low core loss properties help improve the overall energy efficiency of electric vehicles, extending their driving range and reducing the environmental impact. Lessons learned from these projects highlight the crucial role of materials like NOES in advancing the EV industry, encouraging other automakers to follow suit.


Renewable Energy Solutions: Companies involved in renewable energy solutions, such as wind turbine manufacturers like Vestas and General Electric (GE), rely on NOES in their generators and transformers. Wind turbines require high-performance electrical steel to maximize energy conversion efficiency and reduce maintenance costs. These projects emphasize the significance of using NOES to harness clean energy sources effectively, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.


Data Centers and Power Distribution: In the construction of data centers and advanced power distribution systems, NOES is utilized to create high-efficiency transformers and inductors. These components help ensure reliable and energy-efficient power distribution, critical for the smooth operation of modern IT infrastructure. Lessons learned from data center projects stress the importance of selecting the right electrical materials to achieve optimal energy performance and system reliability.


Industrial Automation: Companies in the industrial automation sector, such as ABB and Rockwell Automation, incorporate NOES in their motors, generators, and power distribution equipment. These applications are essential for the efficient operation of factories and industrial processes. Success stories highlight how NOES can contribute to cost savings and productivity improvements in manufacturing, demonstrating the advantages of energy-efficient electrical steel.


Future Outlook:

The future of the Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES) market holds promising prospects driven by several emerging trends and technologies. The increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and the expansion of renewable energy sources are expected to fuel the need for NOES in applications like electric motor cores and high-efficiency transformers, contributing to market growth. Advancements in NOES material composition and processing technologies will likely lead to even lower core losses and improved magnetic properties. This will enable the development of more energy-efficient electrical equipment, aligning with global sustainability goals and stringent energy efficiency standards.


The integration of NOES with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart grid systems is anticipated. These technologies demand reliable and efficient electrical components, further expanding NOES applications. The emphasis on reducing the carbon footprint of industries is likely to push NOES manufacturers to adopt greener and more sustainable production processes, reinforcing the eco-friendly aspects of the market. In summary, the NOES market's future is characterized by increased demand, technological innovations, and a commitment to environmental responsibility, positioning it as a crucial player in the transition toward a more sustainable and electrified world.



The Global Non-Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES) Market. Key takeaways include NOES's essential role in energy-efficient transformers and motors, driven by rising demand for renewable energy, electric vehicles, and industrial automation. Challenges like raw material availability, sustainability, and global competition underscore the industry's need for innovation and adaptability. However, eco-friendly practices and technological advancements are shaping a more sustainable future for NOES. Real-world success stories demonstrate its significance in diverse sectors, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right electrical steel for energy efficiency. Looking ahead, the NOES market is poised for growth, with trends like EV adoption and advancements in NOES materials and production processes shaping its promising future.


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